Buy K-8 Interactive Math CD
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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Buy K-8 Interactive Math CD - Kids Math Practice CD:
- Phone: +084-0903.214.491 / 0977863135
- Email: namhyhoangphong (@) gmail (.) com
- Y!M: namhyhoangphong
- Price: 25$ + 5$ (shipping) / 01 K-8 Interactive Math of Home Edition CD (Vietnamese language)
- Dilivery: Vietnam shipping will be done by the HNC Service where practical.
- Available: pay on delivery or pay after delivery (Chấp nhận hình thức thanh toán: giao hàng & nhận tiền hoặc giao hàng trước nhận tiền sau).
Features of the K-8 Interactive Math Class CD
Over 3000 Interactive Arithmetic Lesson pages for grades K-8. Each lesson contain:
- An explanation of the concept
- Unlimited practice problems
- Immediate feedback to prevent practicing incorrect methods
- Challenge games
- Help:
Source: NHHP,
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